Biological Facts
Biological Facts
Like many of the first mammals, they have adapted to a nocturnal way of life. Hedgehogs’ spiny protection resembles that of the unrelated rodent porcupines and monotreme echidnas.African pygmy hedgehog (Atelerix albiventris)
- Native to West and Central Africa. One of many hedgehog species found in Africa, Europe, Asia, and the Middle East.
- They live in brush piles, rock crevices, and burrows. An insectivore related to moles and shrews
- Average life span 3-5 years; can live up to 10 years
- Reaches sexual maturity by 68 days, but first breeding generally does not occur until 6-8 months
- Have a very strong sense of smell which they use to identify their surroundings
- Will “self anoint” if exposed to strong or unusual smell, foaming at the mouth then spreading the foam over their bodies
- Nocturnal habits – more active at night than during the day
- Need to be handled and well-socialized when young to make well-adjusted pets
- Some adult hedgehogs may not like to be handled regardless of socialization when young
- Will range up to 1 mile in the wild
- Do not hibernate
- Commercial hedgehog diet (light or reduced calorie, high-quality adult cat food may be used if hedgehog food is unavailable) about 3 teaspoons/day
- 1 teaspoon daily of chopped mixed vegetables and/or fruits (beans, carrots, apples, pears, berries, squash, peas, potatoes, tomatoes)
- Offer live insects such as gut-loaded crickets, mealworms, earthworms, 3-4 times a week (avoid waxworms because they are high in fat)
- Diet is extremely important because obesity is one of the most common medical problems seen in pet hedgehogs!
- Hedgehogs are best housed individually, but may be kept in small groups as long as there is only one adult male.
- Prefer quiet, dim environments. React with fright to loud noises or bright light.
- Cage should provide enough room for movement and exercise. A 20 gallon or larger aquarium, sweater box, or similar smooth-walled enclosure is preferred in order to prevent escape.
- Enclosures with wire mesh bottoms are not recommended as these can cause foot and leg injuries.
- Enjoy privacy and require a box or other suitable hiding spot
- Aspen shavings or recycled newspaper bedding recommended (NOT pine or cedar, not cat litter)
- Sipper bottle with fresh water should be available at all times
- Average temperature should be kept around 70-85°F. Low temperatures may induce hibernation. Provide supplemental heat with under-tank heating pads and radiant heat emitters as needed.
- Will use exercise wheels (solid plastic, not open wire wheels)
- Commercial hedgehog diet (light or reduced calorie, high-quality adult cat food may be used if hedgehog food is unavailable) about 3 teaspoons/day
- 1 teaspoon daily of chopped mixed vegetables and/or fruits (beans, carrots, apples, pears, berries, squash, peas, potatoes, tomatoes)
- Offer live insects such as gut-loaded crickets, mealworms, earthworms, 3-4 times a week (avoid waxworms because they are high in fat)
- Diet is extremely important because obesity is one of the most common medical problems seen in pet hedgehogs!
- Hedgehogs are best housed individually, but may be kept in small groups as long as there is only one adult male.
- Prefer quiet, dim environments. React with fright to loud noises or bright light.
- Cage should provide enough room for movement and exercise. A 20 gallon or larger aquarium, sweater box, or similar smooth-walled enclosure is preferred in order to prevent escape.
- Enclosures with wire mesh bottoms are not recommended as these can cause foot and leg injuries.
- Enjoy privacy and require a box or other suitable hiding spot
- Aspen shavings or recycled newspaper bedding recommended (NOT pine or cedar, not cat litter)
- Sipper bottle with fresh water should be available at all times
- Average temperature should be kept around 70-85°F. Low temperatures may induce hibernation. Provide supplemental heat with under-tank heating pads and radiant heat emitters as needed.
- Will use exercise wheels (solid plastic, not open wire wheels)
- Routine physical examination every 6 to 12 months
- Consult a veterinarian with experience treating exotic pets if you have any questions or concerns about your hedgehog’s health.
- Annual fecal examination for parasites
- Blood tests as recommended by your veterinarian
- Dental disease and gum disease can largely be prevented by feeding an appropriate diet, routine brushing and scaling may be needed
- Salmonella infection causing anorexia, diarrhea, dehydration, and weight loss. May become carriers and can spread the disease to humans or other pets
- Dental disease, gingivitis, loose teeth
- Mite infestations leading crusting, flaking, loss of spines
- Fungal skin disease
- Neoplasia
- Obesity
- Injury to the eyes
- Leg and foot injuries
- Liver disease
- Kidney disease
- Respiratory infections